The BSDMS YouTube channel embedded on our website.

Sylvester Stallone wouldn't even wash his socks with Trump water!

Trump knows McDonald's menu better than ANYBODY!

Senator Bernie Sanders: Israel is a racist government

Sometimes it seems like a cult

Noam Chomsky on political spectrum past and present

Senator Bernie Sanders' legislation for $60k/year teacher pay

My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell at Rally Lapping His Tongue Around All Over Weirdly. Is He Back on Drugs?

Sanders: Advocates $1,200, Unemployment, No Corporate Immunity. MSNBC: Blames Bernie for No Relief!

Georgia Stop the Steal Rally Suppresses Own Republican Vote But Wait! There's More! - Kyle James Lee

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Exposes Military Industrial Complex Price Gouging

10-12-2020: Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) "Ballot harvesting is the only way we [The GOP] can win"

Lindsey Graham: Blacks, Immigrants can go anywhere in this state if you're Conservative, not Liberal

President Trump "Will Veto Bill" That Renames Military Bases Named After Confederate Traitors

Joe Biden has trouble with, is confused while explaining his healthcare plan during the pandemic

#IBelieveBiden Somehow Trends After Failed Joe Biden MSNBC Interview about Tara Reade

Joe Biden Coughs, Acts Confused in ABC, CNN, and MSNBC Interviews

Bernie Sanders RIPS into Senate Republicans opposing unemployment benefits expansion in relief bill

Bernie Sanders Calls out Joe Biden: Joe, What Are You Gonna Do (About All These Issues)?

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Asleep at the Wheel When it Comes to Corona Virus Plan of Action

Joe Biden: We cannot get re-elect- we cannot win this re-election, we can only Re-Elect Donald Trump

There is no way to opt-out or unsubscribe from physical Bloomberg campaign mail in your mailbox!

"Party Unity" Warren shakes Bloomberg's hand, but once again not Bernie Sanders hand at Dem Debate

Sanders praised Cuba's Education System, but so did former President Obama! Both criticized Castro

Bernie Sanders condemns any harassment, bullying by both his and anyone else's campaign, supporters

When we react to smears we're toxic bros. Here's Democrats viciously attacking Bernie supporters

New Hampshire voter decided on Bernie Sanders because of Anti-Bernie cynicism from media like MSNBC

Joe Biden's Record Player Gaffe was far worse than if you hadn't actually heard what he said

Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire 2020 primary: His victory speech. Bernie shakes hands with crowd

Powerful Bernie Sanders ad with Killer Mike Speech, "THE TIME IS NOW!"

Bernie on Buttigieg: take money from billionaires, big pharma, then you won't stand up to them

Pete Buttigieg embraced the socialism label in March 2019, is against it in February 2020

Joe Biden: "ever been to a caucus" Voter: Yes I have. Biden: "You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier"

Elizabeth Warren gets flack for flying private jets, hides from constituents when exiting flights

Pete Buttigieg: "We don't need a revolution", mocking Bernie Sanders. Crowd shouts Wall Street Pete

Debate moderator confronts Buttigieg, can't give straight answer for record on POC Marijuana arrests

# Petes Billionaires trends, Sanders calls out Buttigieg's billionaire donors, in December 2019 also

Iowa Caucuses: Rigged Coin toss gives Pete Buttigieg a delegate instead of Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden is wrong, many leading scientists do in fact agree with Bernie Sanders climate change plan

Anti-Bernie Sanders attack ad is actually showing support for Bernie Sanders.

Iowa Caucuses: rural, white, wealthy districts = more delegate weight than poor, urban college towns

Bernie Sanders: 6,000 more votes [In Iowa Caucuses] where he comes from that's generally the winner

Michael Moore: passionate speech, let Booker, Castro debate, not changing rules so Bloomberg can

Coin Toss: Tails: You get that delegate, Des Moines Iowa Caucuses

Joe Biden keeps telling people to vote for somebody else, ok, we will. Bernie 2020

Joaquin Phoenix at BAFTA 2020 is Reminiscent of Marlon Brando at the Oscars in 1973

Clinton Advisor says Hillary is a black guy, and other odd things

Fixed the Anti Bernie Sanders super PAC ad

Joe Biden never marched in the Civil Rights movement, Biden's false claim fact-checked by NY Times

Bloomberg says big gay ice cream is the best. Who thought that was a good campaign strategy?

Bernie Sanders: Medicare for All